
Sunday 27 July 2014

The Myth of the Unitarian Trinitrarian Civil War

 Raja Petra Kamaruddins (Pete's) article Submit to God or Die continues
with the myth that there was a Civil War in Christianity between Trinitarians
and Unitarians. I quote:

After the civil war to decide which brand of Christianity was the 
‘correct’ version, Christendom went through another war 200 years
ago that was  fought between theology and secularism. And secularism 
won. That is why religionists from all three Abrahamic faiths consider 
secularism and liberalism as the enemies of religion.

 Here he lifts pages directly from MD Dr. Lawrence Brown's book MisGod'ed
specifically pages 208-212 . This is really interesting because of the level of
sophistication, and approach taken to pass off, insinuation as gospel truth.
Surprisingly, this book is a free download off the web for the viewer to
preview.  It appears that the author comes to the conclusion, that the
Trinitarians defeated the Unitarians in an epic battle, thus myth, conquered
over truth. To which, i say, what a bunch of utter bullshit.

I must admit, threw me off on a tangent, while i was trying to piece things
together. What Dr. Brown did was collect ,and a mix of hodge podge of data,
compiled into his idea of truth. Unitarianism did not come into existence until
the mid-16th century. So arguing that the Church in the middle-ages killed off
Unitarians is a complete lie, and Unitarianism is not dead. Pete is quoting an
expert, whose conclusions, are not supported by the facts.

While i do not dispute Dr. Brown's portrayal of the Dark Ages of Catholicism
i.e. medieval torture, methods to stamp out heresy, and subjugate its
followers. I'd like to know, why he can't quote examples of specific, Unitarian
events in the historicity of this epic civil war i.e names of leaders, battles or
unitarian trial events. Is this because there are non ? He does describe dark
events and heretical trials. Is it because the Unitarian movement did not exist
prior to the mid-16th century ?

Quoting so called experts equates to truth ? What is Pete really blabbing about ?
I was really trying to distill where these lies are coming out off ?

Here Dr. Brown quotes the Council of Rheims in 1157. Here is where fact
and myth are separated. There is nothing mentioned about unitarianism philosophy
or theology at the Council of Rheims. What was brought forth the continued
presence of the Arian Heresy. Here is where it makes Pete look really ignorant
lifting text from a book without looking at the facts. What is the Arian Heresy ?
Essentially, there was a Bishop name Aries that was spreading the heresy that

'Son of God did not always exist, but was created by—and is therefore 
distinct  from—God the Father '. 

This is totally opposite from the hypothesis Pete is trying to make, not one God,
but the father, and the son a created being. Yeshua is now an angelic being akin to
being a minor god. The First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD was convened for that
purpose to stamp out the Arian Heresy.  Hence, the concept of the Trinity, the
divine three in one. Consistent with the early letters of church fathers 'expressed
in the second century writings of Polycarp, Ignatius, and Justin Martyr'

Religious Institutions that apply the 'Principles of Arianism include Unitarians,
Oneness Pentecostals, Members Church of God International,
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Iglesia ni Cristo and
Branhamism', do not espouce Trinitarian teachings, and are referred to as Cults.

 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. 
 Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great 
 number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They 
 will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths 

  ~ 2 Timothy 4


Saturday 26 July 2014

Yasmine Ahmad and the plight of the Palestinians

        I preface this blog with a facebook comment made by Yasmine Ahmad on
        Christians United for Israel facebook page as follows:

  • does your god believe in genocide even in the new testament where you 
    claims it voids the old ? not creating mischief just curious

  • Don Tan Yasmine Ahmad. My God says ~ ' I told you that you would die
    inyour sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your 
    sins.” ~ John 8:34  Your prophet said that he was only a 'plain warner' 
    Surah 29:50 Genocide usually means cultures disappear, like whats 
    happening to Christians in Bethlehem, Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Egypt .....etc, etc

  • Yasmine Ahmad if the Gaza was inhabited by Christians would Israel be 
    bombing it ?
        Truthfully, the answer is no. Why ? not because Jews and Christians 
        are the closest of relatives.  Christianity has much to answer in its
        past. Jews wouldn't bomb Gaza because Christians wouldn't be
        launching rockets and suicide attacks at Israel. Coptic Christians 
        are not committing Jihad from Gaza, West Bank or in greater Israel. 
        So why would the Israeli's bomb us ? I know, Christians are a pain in
        the ass when it comes to proselytizing for Yeshua. That being said, 
        ask Bibi Netanyahu if he would be willing to do a straight swap for 
        Coptic Christians across the Arab World for Arab Muslims in Gaza,
        West Bank, Ramallah, Nablus ,...., Israel to quell the unrest. I believe 
        he would jump at it in a second  

        Does Yasmine Ahmad really know why there is no Peace in the Middle 
        East and no sign of it in the near future. Let me quote her some excerpts
        from the Hamas Charter: 

        The land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf [Holy Possession] consecrated
        for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. No one can
        renounce it or any part, or abandon it or any part of it
        ~ Article 11
        Palestine is an Islamic Land ..... Since this is the case, the Liberation of 
        Palestine is an individual duty for every Moslem wherever he may be. 
        ~ Article 13

        So a dream of riding on a Buraq Surah 17: 1 trumps all other religious 
        and historical claims of Jews and Christians ?

        What about the coming of the Messiah

        Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD. From the house of 
        the LORD we bless you ~ Psalm 118:26

         Yeshua's proclamation

         For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say, ‘Blessed is he 
         who comes in the name of the Lord.’” ~ Matthew 23:39

         spoken over hundreds years before the advent of Islam. The prophet 

         of Islam never even set foot on Judea or Samaria