
Monday 2 January 2017

The Difference between a Sheep or Goat.

     As a believer in the Mosiach. My view has always been that Christians ,besides
their differences, believed in the same God. I have come to believe otherwise ,in what
the Prophet Joel ,calls the Last Days. Many Christians, have a believe, that is
seemingly, contradictory to the Gospel Message.

     Some are pious, some liberal, some right-winged, some are social justice warriors.
Few will share the Gospel, and most associate a God called Yahweh, with political
correctness, or even social justice. Some will even invite Imams into their churches,
believing that Christian Orthodoxy is dead. Leading their flocks to be slaughtered by
Islamic wolves.

     Some go to Bible Schools, seemingly believe in the doctrines, that they are thought.
My best friend, who is a Pastor once said to me one of the wisest thing, that every
Pastor should espouse. Doctrine was created, to prevent the spread of Heresy. And yet,
there are those who Worship their Doctrine.  Eg. infant baptism, adult baptism,
re-baptism etc

     When the God called Yahweh said in the second commandment (Exodus 20:3), not
to make, an image (worship idols) for ourselves. He did not just mean carved images.
He also meant symbols, that ,we hold value in our lives. Did you ever notice that, it was
only 'real people' that Yeshua could stomach. A reformed tax-collector, prostitute, thief or
murderer, fishermen, and very very very few religious types. One had to be blinded
,on the Road to Damascus, before he could embrace the Mosiach. Real people don't
hide behind political correctness. They don't know what that is. They only knew that,
there was something wrong with their lives. Only the Mosiach could draw them close
,and forgive their Sins.

31 “But when the Son of Man[a] comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, 
then he will sit upon his glorious throne. 32 All the nations[b] will be gathered in 
his presence, and he will separate the people as a shepherd separates the sheep
 from the goats. 33  He will place the sheep at his right hand and the goats at his 
left. ~ Matthew 25

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